The Power of One Meaningful Connection Per Day. The Science of Social Health with Kasley Killam, MPH

Andy Proctor   |   August 9, 2021

More About Kasley Killam

Kasley Killam, MPH, is the founder of Social Health Labs, an impact organization that leads programs, events, and content related to social connection, loneliness, and health. She completed a master’s at the Harvard School of Public Health, where she deepened her expertise on these topics, and now partners with organizations at local, state, and national levels on initiatives that aim to reduce isolation and improve social well-being. Kasley regularly contributes articles to publications such as the New York Times, Scientific American, and Psychology Today. Kasley currently serves on the Board of Directors for two nonprofits, is an Encore Public Voices Fellow, and is a World Economic Forum Global Shaper. Previously, she led a national community engagement strategy and partnerships for Verily Life Sciences, conducted research on mental health and positive psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and developed an award-winning campaign to promote empathy and compassion. Kasley also has extensive experience working with startups and in healthcare innovation.

Find Kasley here:

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