For the women listeners who want to support the men in your life, this is the episode for you. For the men who need support from other men or women, listen in. I loved Kristin’s thoughts in this episode to help liberate men to express themselves. Personally, I have struggled to feel comfortable as a man to express myself. I am a very expressive person and it’s hard to know when I can express my true emotions. This conversation was refreshing for me to dive into the barriers to emotional expression that exist in Western Culture for men. We also dived into some amazing topics in positive psychology like gratitude, wonder and awe. I just returned from one of the most awe-inspiring places on earth - the giant redwood forests of Northern California. I thought a lot of Kristin's Stop and Wonder tool.
I hope you tune in to the whole chat with Kristin Petrucci.
Note: This podcast was recorded in 2019 and may have a few anachronistic referrals; please do forgive. However, the content we talk about is lastingly relevant and worth a listen!
More About Kristin Petrucci

Kristin Petrucci received her post graduate positive psychology training from the University of Utah. She is a Transformational Speaker, Corporate Mindfulness Expert and Positive Psychology Coach. Her main focus is to help men live victoriously. She believes that Active Gratitude is the key to Victorious Lifestyle and is the Founder of KP Speaks. She would love to collaborate and can be found on Instagram @kpspeaks_ and Linkedin
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