How You FEEL At Your Work (NOT Just Pay) Determines Whether You Will Stay; with Forbes Author Don Rheem

The future of work will be determined more by how we feel than how we are paid. This was said by Don Rheem in his TEDx talk given in 2018. I was sitting on the front row, riveted by his speech. I couldn't wait until it was edited and on YouTube so that I could […]

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How to be Indistractable with NYT Bestselling Author, Nir Eyal

Do you get distracted? Do you struggle to stay on task and get taken down the digital rabbit hole more often than you would like? If the answer is yes, you're not alone. With all the technology that exists, if you aren't deliberate about what you allow into your life, you'll be bombarded. One study […]

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How Good Customer Experience Makes the World Happier with Stacy Sherman

In episode 123, I speak with Stacy Sherman about the power of a transformational customer experience. Everyone is used to interacting with a business in a transactional way, but when a business can make a transaction into a transformation, that's when magic happens! In our conversation we discuss how to make this happen by starting […]

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Making the World a Happier Place Through Elevated Customer Experiences with Scott Porter

Businesses and brands have an amazing opportunity to create a positive experience for people who interact with them. Scott is on a mission to help businesses to create more happiness in the world through optimal customer experience. In today's episode, I speak with Scott Porter about how he has taken his passion for street tacos and […]

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